Month: August 2019

FF 18: Tongue ties

Breast feeding is recommended by WHO for the first 12 months of a baby's life, but it can be heart-breakingly hard work for some mum's and babies.  Tethering of the tissues in the mouth may affect baby's ability to create a good seal and an effective suck when feeding, potentially causing tummy pain and reflux. Tongue, lip and buccal ties may also lead to trouble with chewing, swallowing and…

FF 17: Baby wearing

Carrying your baby in a carrier or a sling on your body has many benefits to both of you.  For the carrier it allows you to have both hands free to do other things especially important with siblings.  Having baby's weight, light as she is, close to your body decreases the  stress and strain on your muscles and joints minimising fatigue.  Having her close also increases your opportunity to be tune…