Flourishing Families

Empowered Lactation with Emma Maher

Emma Maher is a wonderful lady with lots of valuable knowledge about breast feeding. She is an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) who also has a background in nursing and midwifery. The best thing is, she works right here in the Hunter :). Emma shares with us a wealth of information and advice about how to handle some of the challenges one may experience with breast…

Your doula - the birth-angel

Doula Sarah Newling shares with us how she supports growing families through pregnancy and birth.  By providing sensible research-based information as well as centering yoga practice, she empowers the birthing parents to be to make the best decisions for them for this lifegiving journey.  Overarching this is Sarah's focus on fostering connection and trusting relationships to promote…

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FF 21: Best Parenting Advice

To raise our children to be happy and successful is every parent's goal and dream.  Deb Arthurs is an ex-teacher and educational board advisor and she is passionate about children's learning. On this podcast you will love to learn her ideas about creating thriving families. Her website 'Best Parenting Advice' is also a goldmine of free tips and tools to help you stay focused on what is……

FF 19: Two eyes- no spares - Behavioural optometry

Susan Walton, a Newcastle behavioural optometrist, talks us through the importance of our eyes working as a team. We are all aware that 20/20 vision is essential for health and learning.  However, having the eyes work together as they alternate between focusing close, looking into the distance and moving here and there is equally important.  Susan enlightens us about how the function of our eyes…

FF 18: Tongue ties

Breast feeding is recommended by WHO for the first 12 months of a baby's life, but it can be heart-breakingly hard work for some mum's and babies.  Tethering of the tissues in the mouth may affect baby's ability to create a good seal and an effective suck when feeding, potentially causing tummy pain and reflux. Tongue, lip and buccal ties may also lead to trouble with chewing, swallowing and…

FF 17: Baby wearing

Carrying your baby in a carrier or a sling on your body has many benefits to both of you.  For the carrier it allows you to have both hands free to do other things especially important with siblings.  Having baby's weight, light as she is, close to your body decreases the  stress and strain on your muscles and joints minimising fatigue.  Having her close also increases your opportunity to be tune…

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FF 16: Develop the best breathing habits for a healthy life

Dean O'Rourke lets us in on the secret of breathing properly to promote health and well-being for the whole family.   Dorte Bladt: I'm so excited to have this next speaker with us today. I saw a young person come into my practice the other day and they had just found this guy in... well, actually, they’d been recommended to see this guy and I was like, whoa, I found someone in Newcastle. So…

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FF 15: Balanced with Meg Linton

Meg Linton from MegHQ talks about how to meet life's challenges with a present and balanced mind and body. Typically, in our feverish goal to get fit and healthy, we rush around madly working hard to tick off exercise on our 'to do list'.  However, in our rush, we often forget the importance of connecting to what we holistically need in this moment.  Being mindful of what our bodies need, and…

FF 14: 'Mindfulness for families' with Charlotte Thaarup

Children's chiropractor, Dr. Dorte Bladt, discusses the practice of mindfulness with Charlotte Thaarup of The Mindfulness Clinic. Intro: Flourishing Families with Dorte Bladt, the Switched-On Kids chiropractor and her passionate friends sharing the secret of inspiring wellness to help your families thrive. Dorte Bladt: I've got Charlotte Thaarup here today. I’m very excited. She's from The…